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Individual patients



Afterbirth diagnostics (postnatal)

Post-natal analysis allow to detect irregularities in the structure and functioning of the human body since birth.


To perform a genetic test a sample of biological material is required, for example:

- Capillary blood spot collected from a fingertip for molecular analysis 
Download the capillary blood collection instruction 
Download the puncturing device instruction

- Venous blood for molecular analysis (1-7ml of blood collected to a morphological tube with EDTA)
Download the venous blood collection instruction

- Venous bood for cytogenetic analysis (4-7ml of blood collected to a morphological tube with lithium heparin)
Download the venous blood collection instruction

- Buccal swab (cheek swab) for molecular analysis (as an additional procedure for venous blood analysis)
Download the buccal swab instruction

Contact with MedGen is required in order to determine the type of biological material for the analysis:
phone: +48 501 377 150
phone: +48. 501 377 780
phone: +48 512 40 90 90
email: diagnostyka@medgen.pl


One of the following forms must be completed to perform a genetic test:
Download the order form for a standard genetic test
Download the order form for a genetic test using NGS method


To perform a molecular analysis of miscarriage tissue please fill the declaration of informed consent for the genetic test and the form avilable below. Without these documents, performing the test will be impossible.

Download the Order form for a genetic test




Biological material for the genetic test with completed appropriate forms should be sent to:

st Wiktorii Wiedeńskiej 9a
02-954 Warsaw, Poland


Package should be sent by courier or using a priority package at your local post office.
The ordering party sould bear the shipment costs.

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