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Genetic testing in microbiology; HPV, gonorrhea, cytology

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Genetic testing in microbiology; HPV, gonorrhea, cytology


In the CM MedGen’s laboratory we analyze viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa responsible for infecting humans.

Required forms:
Download form for sexually transmitted diseases
Download form for tick-borne diseases


List of avilable genetic tests of avilable genetic tests


Get more detailed information about our offer:
- Tests for sexually transmitted diseases (Material collecion instruction)

Tests for tick-borne diseases


 How to order a test:

  1. Collect the material (swab) to a transport test tube (read the Information about material collection). There is a possibility of sending the test tube with swab (material collection kit) and the order form by courier. However, this option requires an additional payment of 25,00 PLN. Personal pickup is also avilable at CM MedGen's facility - address:  st Wiktorii Wiedeńskiej 9a, Warsaw, Poland.

  2. To order the material collection kit contact us by e-mail: rejestracja@medgen.pl lub diagnostyka@medgen.pl . The material collection kit will be sent to the provided address once the payment is processed and recieved correctly by CM MedGen (payment includes the analysis and material collection kit shipment price).

  3. Place the swab tip in a transport test tube, seal it up, sign it with your full name and PESEL number (if you have one), then pack the tube into a bag (e.g. a string one), and place it in a bubble envelope. Finally sent the package to our laboratory or transport it by yourself. Please attach a filled order form to the package.

  4. In order to get additional informaton about the genetic analysis or collection method,
    please call +48 501 377 150 / +48 512 40 90 90 or contact us by e-mail: diagnostyka@medgen.pl.

    Contact to our specialist: +48 797 028 315.



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