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Genetic clinic

MedGen's Genetic clinic offers consultations for adults as well as for children. Consultations are provided by clinical geneticists with many years of experience, specializing in areas such as intellectual disability, autism, neuromuscular diseases, dysmorphia, oncology, infertility.

MedGen's genetic clinic


ul. Wiktorii Wiedeńskiej 9a
02-954 Warszawa


+48 501 377 150
+48 512 40 90 90

email: poradnia@medgen.pl

We cordially invite you for:


  • genetic consultations due to a suspected genetic disease in family, or in case that a genetic disease already occurred in the family.

  • genetic consultations before pregnancy or during pregnancy  lub discussing the risk of a genetic disease and the possibility of genetic testing

  • consultations due to reproduction failures, such as: miscarriage, miscarriage on account of birth defects, deaths of children with birth defects or suspicion of genetically conditioned disorders

  • genetic consultations on account of infertility





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